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The Gates of Ismat Towers

How unprepared I am for regret. The inferno,
  giddy-headed in my rear-view mirror,
  holds its magnifying glass.

I drive past the gates of Ismat Towers
 and beep at everything that moves in the road,
 on the periphery. Could this be?

I am half-expecting sonic booms.
   The air feels thinner. I am an unmarked receipt.

I park the car near the post office and start walking.

The sun desecrates me, carving its geometric designs in my body.
I am trademarked.

The demise of a child.

I suppose

she and I
 have become

To create "The Gates of Ismat Towers,"  I sourced words and phrases from two chapters of novelist Altaf Tyrewala's 2006 book, "No God in Sight." I then wrote the poem from the list of words by re-mixing, editing, and shaping them into a new work. I wrote this as part of a Found Poetry Frontiers "trip" to Mumbai, India. Poet Vinita Agrawal led us on this excursion.

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